According to the domestic demand forecast 2024 of white paperboard and corrugated board, it seems to lose its momentum. When visiting the converter’s factory, they say the number of orders is decreasing. The same can be said for our business.
Japan as an export Titan has been in the past and Emerging countries are on the rise. The population has been decreasing for 14 years in a row. the decrease in number and decrease rate are largest-ever. It indicates that the order decrease is caused by a decreasing trend of demand.
It would be better to increase productivity to the maximum instead of Exhaustion by price competition. The time is created by finishing the production earlier and it can be used to create a new packaging that contributes to solve social issues such as environmental problems. The key word is productivity enhancement and new value creation. GDP of Germany overtook that of Japan Even if the population of productive age in Japan is larger. It means Japan has a much room for increasing productivity. To compensate a decreased demand of boxes our proposal is a new value creation with solid and corrugated board. We would spare no effort to offer you information and technology that back the two key words.